When working in healthcare, it’s important to ensure you have gained the correct licensing and are registered to the right council before you begin work. We have put together a list of the most common councils that you will need to register with depending on your profession.

General Medical Council (GMC):

The GMC is an online list of doctors in the UK, showing their registration type, training and other relevant information. There are different types of registration that you can apply for, these are:

  • Provisional: Allowing doctors to work in an approved UK Foundation Year 1 post
  • Full: Having a full registration and a license to practice for working in an unsupervised medical practice or in an approves Foundation Year 2 programme
  • Specialist: Most doctors who are consulting a medical or surgical specialty (other than locum consultants) should hold a full with specialist registration and a license to practice.
  • GP: All doctors who are working as a GP (including locums) must be on the GP register.

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC):

The NMC regulate nurses and midwives in the UK, as well as nursing associates in England. This includes general and specialist nurses such as RMNs, pediatric and cardiac.

Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC):

HCPC is an organisation that regulates a variety of different health care professions, these include:

Other health care regulators

Can’t find your profession above? Here are some other regulators:

General dental council – The GDC is for regulating and setting the standards for dentists and all dental care professionals in the UK.

General Pharmaceutical council – The GPhC is where all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are registered to ensure they are upholding the standards.

If you wish to register your CV with us, you can do so here. Alternatively, take a look at our current available roles.